Commander Victor Dreke Cruz, known for his own comrades as "The Black Hyena" , Born in Sagua la Grande in 1938 from a humble family, his father was a merchant of fish but was worried about his son to study. In high school, José Martí, Sagua la Grande, joined the strike against the military coup of March 10, this being his first political activities in the streets of Sagua along with other young people like his friend Roberto Sacerio to oppose the coup Status of Fulgencio Batista in March 1952. Belonged, as student secretary at the Federation Obrera Regional # 3 of Sagua La Grande and during the assault on the Moncada Barracks on July 26, 1956, was arrested but released by a minor. With the founding of the Movement "on July 26, Dreke responsible for a cell of action and sabotage directed by Ernesto Mora and later founder of the Movimiento 13 de Marzo" in Sagua until in 1957 he discovered his cell and does escape the police hiding in a shop window that comes to Santa Clara next stop outside peligro.Su is in Havana, where up to Escambray to continue their struggle against Batista. The triumph of the revolution Dreke Commander or "The Black Hyena" began to liven up your Monster nickname showing the carrying hidden inside, it becomes very nasty individual hated by sagüeros at first he had seen his hero .
His crimes include the shooting in Sagua la Grande to the following men:
Antonio Baquer
Antonio Barberena
Benito Knight
Lorenzo Clavero
Nilo Garcia
Roger Joy Gonzalez
Olivio Iglesias
Antero La Rosa Bonilla
Rafael Rodríguez Perdomo
Jesus Sosa
Andrés Mollina Valdés